

Michelle Rocha

現為英國曼徹斯特國際藝術節巡演主管。曾為香港西九文化區管理局表演藝術製作人(音樂與戶外)、亦於英國參與2012奧運聖火傳遞及文化活動策劃、香港舞蹈團團務及節目主任、Theatre Noir戲劇導師、Lushington/Live Nation及香港藝術館自由身監製,以及香港國際爵士音樂節的籌款經理。2013獲選參與文化領航學程,2017-18年獲得英國Clore 領袖培訓計劃獎學金。

Michelle is the Head of Touring at the Manchester International Festival (UK). Previously, she was the Producer (Music and Outdoor) at West Kowloon Cultural District (HK) and has worked at the Wales Millennium Centre (UK) for the 2012 Olympics, the Hong Kong Dance Company, Lushington/ Live Nation, the Hong Kong Museum of Art and the Hong Kong International Jazz Festival and is a Clore Fellow.

Ichun Yeh

葉怡君是紐約知名藝術經紀公司SOZO ARTISTS的副總裁及業務總監。她多年於各大洲成長工作,累積豐厚的國際經驗。自古典音樂跨入表演藝術的葉怡君,因著豐富的表演藝術產業知識與網絡,對文化跨域的熟絡與熱忱,以及出色的領導與談判才能,備受業界推崇,是國際藝術管理領域中的佼佼者。

Growing up on three different continents, Ichun first entered the performing arts world at age 7 with a violin in her hand. Her international upbringing and extensive knowledge of the performing arts, along with a desire to embrace and share diversity of thought and cultures with the global community, lead her to arts management. A firm believer that the arts are the purest expression of human creativity and ultimately what fuels our lives, Ichun is intrigued by creating extraordinary from the ordinary and pursues such magic on a daily basis. She is highly regarded in the industry for her exceptional leadership, as well as her uncanny prowess in finding delicious cocktails wherever in the world work takes her.

Louis Yu

擁有逾30年藝術行政管理經驗,於2010至2019年擔任西九文化區管理局表演藝術行政總監。2007至2010年間出任香港藝術發展局行政總裁,曾於香港藝術中心工作13年,並於2000至2007年間出任總幹事。 2019年1月,在他的帶領下,西九文化區第一個大型表演藝術設施 — 戲曲中心順利開幕;而西九文化區第二個表演藝術設施 — 自由空間亦於2019年6月開幕。

於2019年6月完成西九文化區的工作,同年赴英國倫敦政治經濟學院進修城市研究。他現已回港,擔任不同的文化崗位,包括香港舞蹈團,國際演藝評論家協會(香港分會),Music Lab, El Systema Hong Kong 和Cultureisbeam 的董事。

Louis Yu has more than 30 years of arts management experience. He worked for the West Kowloon Cultural District from 2010 to 2019 as the Executive Director, Performing Arts. Before that, he was the Chief Executive (2007-2010) of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council and the Executive Director (2001-2007) of the Hong Kong Arts Centre.
Under his leadership, the first major venue in the West Kowloon Cultural District – the Xiqu Centre was established in January 2019 and the second performing arts venue – the Freespace was established in June.
After completing his term of office at West Kowloon Cultural District in June 2019, he started his study at the LSC Cities in the London School of Economics and Political Science.